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错误:在’InventTable’上定义的显示方法’salesPcsPrice’,在数据源中引用***** / Error: display method ‘salesPcsPrice’ defined on ‘InventTable’, referenced in data source *****

网络文摘 William 1593浏览 0评论
Hi Folks, During some RnD on On hand inventory form, I have to duplicate the InventOnHandListPage, and while compiling this new form I was getting below error (even without any changes) 1. display method 'salesPcsPrice' defined on 'InventTable', referenced in data source 'InventTable_DS' of form '<FormName>', returns type 'Price', which is not recognized. Are you missing a module reference? 2. display method 'inventUnitId' defined on 'InventTable', referenced in data source 'InventTable_DS' of form '<FormName>', returns type 'UnitOfMeasureSymbol', which is not recognized. Are you missing a module reference? 3. display method 'purchPcsPrice' defined on 'InventTable', referenced in data source 'InventTable_DS' of form '<FormName>', returns type 'Price', which is not recognized. Are you missing a module reference? The best solution I found for this issue, is: Go to the method which causes this error > Check the method return type> check the respective EDT >Chcek the package. Now chcek you model parameters if the EDT model refering to system model as well. If this model is missing in reference, add it and update the model parameter. After model parameter update, build your model and these errors must be fixed. Enjoy.!! Harry



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