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使用Web API消费Dynamics AX 365FO数据实体(第2部分)/ Consuming Dynamics AX 365FO Data entities using Web API (Part 2)

网络文摘 William 1758浏览 0评论
In this part of blog we will discuss, how we can create App on Azure, which is mandatory for creating this integration, if you have not gone through my last blog about setting up projects for creating this integration then please go through that

Consuming Dynamics AX 365FO Data entities using Web API (Part 1)

Now to start this: 1. We need to login to https://portal.azure.com we need Azure subscription, without Azure subscription we can not do this integration with D365FO 2. We could also create Trial subscription for demo purpose Create an Azure trial Once we are logged in to Azure then we will have interface like this and we will do these steps for creating Web Api App on Azure. We need to click Azure Active Directory on Left pane, and then click App registration on center pane Click New Application registration Fill out App name, type (Native or WebApi) and Url that could be http://localhost. Click create to create the App. Once app is created, click settings for giving access. Also note down the Application Id, This will be used in the Web api project we will create for consuming the data entity. Click Add on Required permission page and add Microsoft Dynamics ERP permission and Grant it also. Create private Key also, this is needed form Web Api apps. Please take a note of this also, this will be used as ActiveDirectoryClientAppSecret key in you web api application project. We also need to list this application inside dynamics ax 365, In system administration module> Setup > Azure Active Directory applications. We need to place the Application id on this form This concludes the Azure configuration part and listing of App on Azure portal, in the next blog we will see how we can consume Odata entities inside Web api project and how to make this integration happen. Thanks Amir ? Happy Daxing.          



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