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D365 FO 移动应用程序开发 – 第II部分 / Mobile app development in D365 for FO- Part II

网络文摘 William 1434浏览 0评论
Hi Folks, In my last post Mobile app development in D365 for FO - Part I, we discussed about how to create simple work space for mobile platform. In today's post i will share some of the deployment method for mobile work space. In current version of mobile app, we can create two type of workspaces that are available to deployment. a. In database b. In metadata a. Data base workspaces: When user build an app workspace using web API, it will have stored in database and anyone can edit or delete such pages. Database pages easy to create with navigation only. Mobile app framework will record user action and convert into logic, pages actually work same as user will record for it. It’s important that user have clear visibility what user require before creating a page or action. There are three section in mobile workspace i. Pages: Pages that will appear in mobile workspace, to display data. ii. Action: To perform CRUD operations. iii. Logic: Attach JS file. Current mobile app framework is flexible in terms of designing flow, user must be very careful how user is recording the business process while configuration. b. Metadata workspace These pages need to be developed using classes in VS. Metadata workspaces cannot be created directly in VS, firstly user need to create a workspace in user database using above method and then attached user workspace to it. -Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us. @theaxapta



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