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Issue: Dimension lookup “selected record invisible” – Dynamics AX 2012

AX 2012 casperkamal@gmail.com 2095浏览

On a server machine which was used for UAT testing the users were complaining about the selected record not visible in the lookup as seen here,


As we all know the financial dimension lookup uses the segmented entry control which is a managed control. Segmented entry control being a managed control we have limited handle to the behaviour and appearance. So after some search around we ended up that it was a windows theme related issue. If you happen to use AX2012 on a server machine (Windows Server 2012) or using the VPC you may notice this issue.

The solution is to change for a better theme, but hold there is a point there. By default windows server 2012 doesn’t allow you to change the theme. This feature is called a “Desktop experience”, this must be enabled to activate the the personalize option through which you can change the theme. See here on how to enable desktop experience for Window server 2012  http://www.win2012workstation.com/desktop-experience/ . If you are on a standard Microsoft Dynamics AX VPC machine then desktop experience is already enabled. You just need to make the choice of a better theme. Once we had changed our theme the lookup looked much better.


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