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Dev Info: Beware not to use XML special symbols in attributes and break CIL compile

AX 2012 Kamalakannan Elangovan 1883浏览

Attributes introduced with Dynamcis AX 2012 has deep penetration across different frameworks like Reporting, SysOperationFramework and AIF. Here is a information that you need to be keep in mind when using them.

Avoid using XML special symbols

For e.g. When creating parm methods for dialogs the labels come through the attribute. In the below example everything looks fine but the problem surfaces during CIL generation.

[DataMemberAttribute('Internal & Cost')]
public boolean parmInternalCost(boolean _internalCost = internalCost)
    internalCost = _internalCost;
    return internalCost;

During CIL generation XML files are generated. The special symbols can break the xml and consequently break the CIL compile. So make sure that you avoid using them in your attributes.

Info: This post is based on a information shared my colleague. I would like to thank him for this information and let the readers know that i have no direct experience of this problem.


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