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Import Vendor Catalogs – Part 3 (Troubleshooting)

Uncategorized Vanya Lebedev 2173浏览

It’s seems like it’s time for a new post in the series about importing vendor catalogs in Dynamics AX 2012. The previous couple of blog posts covered setup and importing a sample catalog. It’s all well and nice but what if something went wrong somewhere along the way of setting up the feature. Below you will find a list of problems that can arise during vendor catalog import setup. And of course the solutions to the problems will be described in detail.

Questions and Answers

I try to import a Vendor catalog with Dynamics AX. I generate the XSD File but it is really not clear how to populate it.

The XSD file that you can generate from the vendor catalog form provides you with the schema of the CMR file that can be imported. XSD (XML Schema Definition) is one of several XML schema languages. The blog post about importing a sample catalog contains a detailed list of steps that you need to take to generated a sample CMR file.

I’d like to see an example of a CMR file with data to import?

It is important to note that the XSD schema for CMR files depends on the procurement hierarchy that you set up in Dynamics AX so the chances of successfully importing sample CMR files are really-really low because the XSD schema produced from your system will most probably differ from the one that was used to generate the sample file. However it’s always nice to see a sample file just to have an idea of what kind of beast the CMR file is. Below is the XML that a sample file might contain:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<VendorCatalog VendorName="CatImpVend" LoadDate="1900-01-01T01:01:01+01:00" ProductClassification="Procurement Category" xmlns="http://dax.com/vendorcatalog">

  <Product xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="root" Delete="No" ProductCode="ProductCode1" ProductSearchName="ProductSearchName1">


      <Price Currency="USD" UnitOfMeasure="%" Value="100">











      <Color Language="af">Blue</Color>




I’m getting the error “Imported schema for namespace ‘http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace’ was not resolved” when trying to generate in Visual Studio a sample CMR file based on the XSD schema.

This is a known issue. The workaround is to remove the line below from the XSD file:

<xs:import schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd" namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" />


When I run the AIF job for processing no error is given but the status of the import in the Catalog file history does not change

The error was most probably logged in the AIF exception log: System administrationPeriodicApplication integrationServices and Application Integration FrameworkExceptions.

In the AIF exception log there is an error: Could not find schema information for the element ‘http://dax.com/vendorcatalog:VendorCatalog’.

Make sure that you set up the inbound port in AIF as in Walkthrough: Configuring an inbound integration port for catalog import [AX 2012]. Pay special attention to the paragraph about setting up the pipeline component:

The catalog import service requires a special component that processes CMR documents. To enable this component, follow these steps.

  1. In the Inbound ports form, on the Processing options tab, select the Preprocess service operation requests check box, and then click Inbound pipelines.

  2. In the Inbound pipelines form, click Add. Then, in the Class name list, select CatVendorXmlTransform.

  3. In the Purpose field, enter an optional description, such as “Transform vendor XML files,” and then close the Inbound pipelines form.

  4. Click Activate to deploy the integration port.

When I’m trying to set the Root folder path in the Vendor catalog import parameters nothing happens when I click the OK button.

The reason is most probably because the user account that is used to run AOS does not have permissions to the folder you chose.

I uploaded the CMR file but after running the AIF import jobs the status in the event log is still “Catalog upload complete “.

Verify the AIF exception log.

Verify that you set up the inbound port for vendor catalog import correctly

Verify that you used correct URI in the inbound port. It should be set up with CatalogImportPickup subfolder rather than with the root folder.


I hope this information was useful. I would like to make this article into a live blog post. So if you have any problems with setting up vendor catalog import please write to me or post a comment and I will do my best to resolve your problem and post the resolution in this article.

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