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Expense management mobile workspace

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Overview of the Expense management mobile workspace

Many organizations require that a copy of a receipt be attached to a travel-related or business-related expense report that an employee submits for reimbursement. The Expense management mobile workspace lets users quickly create new expense lines on the mobile device of their choice by using an attached photo of a receipt. Alternatively, users can capture a photo of a receipt and then attach it to an expense report later.

Specifically, the Expense management mobile workspace enables a user to:

  • Take a photo of a receipt, and upload it to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations. A user can then attach that photo to an expense report later.
  • Upload a file as a captured receipt. A user can then attach that file to an expense report later.
  • Create a new expense line by using an attached receipt. A user can then add the line item to an expense report later, and submit it for approval and reimbursement.

The remaining sections of this topic explain how to implement and use the Expense management mobile workspace.


Before you implement the Expense management mobile workspace, make sure that your system administrator has completed the following prerequisites.

Prerequisite Role Description
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations version 1611 with platform update 3 or later must be implemented. System administrator If you don’t already have Dynamics 365 for Operations deployed in your organization, your system administrator should see Deploy a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations demo environment.
KB 4019015 must be implemented. System administrator KB 4019015 (an X++ update or metadata hotfix) contains four mobile workspaces for supply chain management. To implement KB 4019015, your system administrator must follow these steps:

  1. Download KB 4019015 from Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).
  2. Install the metadata hotfix.
  3. Create a deployable package that contains the ApplicationSuite and ExpenseMobile model, and then upload the deployable package to LCS.
  4. Apply the deployable package to your Dynamics 365 for Operations system.
The Expense management mobile workspace must be published to the Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile app. System administrator
  1. Start Dynamics 365 for Operations in your browser.
  2. On the System parameters page, select Manage mobile workspaces.
  3. Select the Expense management workspace.
  4. Click Publish mobile workspace.

Download and install the Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile app

Download and install the Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile app from your mobile app store.

Sign in to the Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile app

  1. Start the app on your mobile device.
  2. Enter your Dynamics 365 for Operations URL.
  3. Enter the company to sign in to. For example, enter USMF.
  4. The first time that you sign in, you’re prompted for the user name and password for your Dynamics 365 for Operations account. Enter your credentials.
  5. After you sign in, you see the available workspaces for your company. Note that if your system administrator publishes a new workspace later, you can pull to refresh the list of mobile workspaces.
    Pull to refresh

Capture a receipt by using the Expense management mobile workspace

  1. On your mobile device, select the Expense management workspace.
  2. Select Capture receipt.
  3. Select Take photo or Choose image.
  4. If you selected Take photo, follow these steps:
    1. You’re taken to the camera on your mobile device, so that you can take a photo of the receipt. When you’ve finished taking a photo, click OK to accept the photo.
    2. Optional: Enter a name for the photo, and enter any notes.

    If you selected Choose image, follow these steps:

    1. Select an image in the list.
    2. Optional: Enter a name for the image, and enter any notes.
  5. Select Done.

Quick expense entry by using the Expense management mobile workspace

  1. On your mobile device, select the Expense management workspace.
  2. Select Quick expense entry.
  3. Select the category for the expense. You see a list of expense categories that are loaded into your app for offline use. By default, up to 50 items are loaded, but a developer can change this number. For more information, developers should see Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile platform.
    If your category isn’t in the list, select Search to do an online search in Dynamics 365 for Operations. Search by expense category, or switch to search by expense type.
  4. Enter the transaction date of the expense.
  5. Optional: Enter the merchant for the expense.
  6. Enter the amount of the expense.
  7. Select the currency of the expense. You see a list of the currency codes that are loaded into your app for offline use. By default, up to 400 currencies are loaded, but a developer can change this number. For more information, developers should see Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile platform.
    If your currency isn’t in the list, select Search to do an online search in Dynamics 365 for Operations. Search by currency, or switch to search by name.
  8. Select to Take photo or Choose image.
  9. If you selected Take photo, you’re taken to the camera on your mobile device, so that you can take a photo of the receipt. When you’ve finished taking a photo, click OK to accept the photo.
    If you selected Choose image, select an image in the list.
  10. Select Done.

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