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Publish a mobile workspace

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Before you publish a mobile workspace, make sure that the following prerequisites are in place.

Prerequisite Role Description
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations version 1611 with platform update 3 or later must be implemented. System administrator If you don’t already have Dynamics 365 for Operations deployed in your organization, your system administrator should see Deploy a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations demo environment.
KBs that contain the mobile workspaces that are provided by Microsoft must be implemented. System administrator You must implement the KBs (hotfixes) that contain the mobile workspaces that are provided by Microsoft. To implement the KBs, see the “Prerequisites” section of the topic about the mobile workspace that your organization wants to use:

Deployable packages that contain custom mobile workspaces must be applied to the Dynamics 365 for Operations system. System administrator If you want to use custom mobile workspaces that an independent software vendor (ISV) created, you must apply the deployable package to your Dynamics 365 for Operations system. For instructions, see Apply a deployable package on a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations system.

Publish a mobile workspace to the Dynamics 365 for Operations mobile app

  1. Start Dynamics 365 for Operations in your browser.
  2. On the System parameters page, on the Manage mobile workspaces tab, select the workspace to publish.
  3. Click Publish mobile workspace.

After a new workspace is published, users will have to pull to refresh the list of mobile workspaces.

Pull to refresh

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