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Dynamics Ax 2012: How to duplicate the existing report for modification

AX 2012 alirazazaidi 2097浏览 0评论

I got task to extend the existing dynamics ax SSRS report. Client also wants to sustain the existing report. They want a new report that will be replicate the original one with extended features. Data provider classes are easily duplicated by right clicking on it and select duplicate, I renamed the duplicate classes in AOT. Initially I did not change anything in renamed classes so duplicate report will work with old data set.

But I did not find any duplicate option on AOT. After R&D I found that report can duplicate in visual studio. I create a new visual studio project Report project. Open Application Explore, Expand SSRS report node and drag it into visual studio project. Visual studio automatically duplicated the existing report

You can open Application explorer in Visual Studio è Viewè Application Explorer.


Application Explorer

Duplicate report by drag and drop

. Now the duplicated report will pointed to old Data provider class. Next step I copied the names of data set fields and parameters and properties into Notepad.  When I point the data set to duplicated classes, a new data set created, and parameters became duplicate. I removed the old parameters and set the new parameters with new names and their properties to as they were in deleted parameter. After this I checked that report layout is working with new data Set, Now I started modification in report and classes with requirements.




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