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[转]Microsoft Dynamics AX 20年简史

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现在谈起Dynamics AX,在微软Dynamics系列产品当中,作为最受瞩目和最有前景的Dynamics套装产品线,很多人也许只知道它曾经由于资本市场的上市和并购,前后经历了三个“东家”。对于它长达20多年的ERP积累,就不一定有那么多人了解了,那么我们现在就好好了解一下这个产品非常富有传奇色彩的前世和今生。

1983年,在个人电脑出现后两年,Jesper Balser, Erik Damgaard,Prebend Damgaard ,Torben wind 和 Peter Bang共同组建了一家在IBM PC平台上提供会计财务软件的软件公司-PC&C。PC&C推出的第一个产品叫做DANMAX。
三年后的1986年,PC & C接着向市场推出了CONCORDE Finance 也就是今天大家都可能听到过的C 4。1987年,PC & C在丹麦市场上推出了基于 C/S架构的Navigator(也就是今天Dynamics NAV的前身)。那么在这里我们就不得不感叹Dynamics AX的悠久历史,因为曾经大名鼎鼎的People soft的推出时间是1988年。所以我们可以自豪地说,Dynamics AX在企业管理应用上的积累一点都不短。

时间很快的来到了1991年,这对于我们今天使用的Dynamics AX是个历史性的年度,因为PC & C在C4的基础上,进一步推出了CONCORDE XAL(今天我们知道的Microsoft XAL)。因为在这个CONCORDE XAL,引进了代码开源和强大的客户化开发工具。从此以后,PC & C的产品都专注于强大的易客户化性能。这也是今天我们能够在Dynamics AX和Dynamics NAV上看到的鲜明的特性。

1994年,Erik Damgaard 和Prebend Damgaard两兄弟与其他PC & C的创建者分家,自己创立Damgaard International A/S 。我们经常可以看到在以前的Axapta 3.0里面看到A/S这个缩写,这个缩写在丹麦是代表上市公司的意思。Damgaard International从PC & C那里带走了CONCORDE XAL产品线,并且IBM买下了这家新公司的50%的股份。第二年,CONCORDE XAL有了基于微软 Windows平台的版本。
在已有的CONCORDE XAL的技术架构积累上,1997年,Damgaard International发行了Axapta的beta版本,并且在1998年正式推出Axapta 1.0,在Axapta里面,加进了面向对象的二次开发语言和基于微软***作系统的三层C/S架构。值得一提的是,在推出Axapta 1.0正式版之前的1998年上半年,Damgaard International把IBM持有的50%股份进行回购。

2000年,Navision A/S (1996年 PC & C改名而来)和Damgaard International进行一对一换股,正式进行合并,并且命名为Navision Damgaard。两家本出同源的公司又重新合并了。据说,这两家公司的总部都是在同一个街区,相隔不到1000米。

2001年, Navision Damgaard再度改名为 Navision。 Damgaard Axapta也改叫Navision Axapta。

2002年6月,微软以14.5亿欧元购并Navision A/S. Navision Axapta改名为Microsoft Navision Axapta。

2005年,Microsoft Navision Axapta改名为Microsoft Dynamics AX。后面的事情,就不用多说了。

在当初的五个创始人中,除了Prebend Damgaard由于个人兴趣和发展方向等问题,离开了微软以外,其他的创始人都还继续留在微软从事Dynamics的产品管理。

P.S. 虽然微软购并Navision后,在这么多产品中对Dynamics AX是最为重视和投入的,但是Navision公司当中原来的高层在微软其实是不太受重用的。职位和重要性远远不如Great Plains原来的管理层。

说到原来Great Plains和Navision原来管理层在微软新的MBS管理部门中的地位的时候,不得不提到微软下一代微软MBS产品命名,也就是我们今天的Microsoft Dynamics。
我们知道微软MBS原来有四个产品线Axapta, Navision, Great Plains, Solomon。微软计划把这四个产品线和微软CRM逐渐过渡到一个单一产品,那么如何命名下一代产品的名字呢?
微软MBS部门的主管Doug Burgum(也是原来Great Plains的董事长)利用自己的影响力,把名字定为Dynamics。为什么叫Dynamics呢?因为原来的Great Plains名字就叫作Great Plains Dynamics。作为原来Great Plains的董事长,Doug Burgum在这个问题上还是有点做得太明显了,也曾在内部引起一些纷争。



Axapta History
HistoryMicrosoft Dynamics AX was originally developed as Axapta in Denmark before Damgaard was merged with Navision Software A/S in 2000. The combined company, initially NavisionDamgaard, later Navision A/S, was then ultimately acquired by the Microsoft Corporation in the summer of 2002.[3] Before the merger, Axapta was initially released in March, 1998 in the Danish and U.S. markets. Today, it is available and supported in forty-five languages in most of the world.

Custom AX development and modification is done with its own IDE, MorphX, that contains various tools such as a debugger, code analyzer, and query interface. This development environment resides in the same client application that a normal day-to-day user would access, thus allowing development to take place on any instance of the client. The development language used in Axapta is X++.

On May 26th, 2008, Microsoft completed developing the latest version (2009) in facilities spanning the globe and including sites in Vedbæk, Denmark; Kiev, Ukraine; Fargo, North Dakota, USA; and Redmond, Washington, USA.

The history becomes apparent in the mixed concepts in design and programming and in the rudimentary documentation which has been removed to a large extent (which was deemed better than providing it with contradictions or wrong information).


MDCC or Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen was once the primary development center for Dynamics AX.[4] For a long time, the development of several key components of AX has been moving to other sites like Redmond and Fargo. MDCC is located in Vedbæk and also houses Microsoft Dynamics NAV and several other Microsoft Dynamics family products. MDCC employs about 900 people of around 40 different nationalities, with current hiring focus oriented towards Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Ukraine and Romania.


The early versions (from 1.0 to 3.0) were called Axapta, while the later versions (from 3.0 SP6 to AX 2009) are called Dynamics AX.[5]


Development of Axapta began in 1983 at Danish company Damgaard Data A/S. The software was mainly targeted at the European market, though the North American market grew rapidly following the release of Axapta 2.1 in 2000.

Axapta 1.0 – March 1998

The first version of Axapta was released in the US and in Denmark in March 1998 by Danish company Damgaard A/S. Like all following versions, it supported both Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle database servers. Notable features were financial, trade, inventory management, logistics and production.

Axapta 1.5 – November 1998

The second major version of Axapta was released in Norway, Sweden, Germany, UK, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium Spain and the European Union in November 1998.

Axapta 2.0 – July 1999

The third major version of Axapta was released to customers in July 1999. Notable new features were the Project Accounting module, Warehouse Management (WMS), External OLAP, Option Pack concept, ActiveX support, COM-connector and an early release of the Axapta Object Server which allowed offloading of some operations from the clients onto a separate server.

Axapta 2.1 – January 2000

This release stemmed from market demands from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Spain. It was the fourth major version of Axapta and was released in January 2000. The most notable new feature was the addition of a Web tool called the Customer Self-Service (CSS) which is the precursor to today’s Enterprise Portal.


Following the merger of the two Danish companies Navision and Damgaard, Axapta was to be known as Navision Damgaard Axapta for versions 2.5 and 3.0 (up until 3.0 SP5).

Axapta 2.5 – December 2000

As the fifth major release, Axapta 2.5 brought with it a complete web applications development environment, the Project module, Banking and OLAP. It was released first to Denmark, Austria and UK in December 2000.

Axapta 2.5 Market Pack – October 2001

This market pack was released for Axapta 2.5 in October 2001 in France and Italy. This new application layer contained the Customer Relationship Management module (CRM or Marketing Automation), Commerce Gateway and Product Builder (both Client-side and CSS-side (Web)).

Microsoft (current)

Microsoft acquired Navision Damgaard during the summer of 2002. Navision Damgaard Axapta was first renamed to Microsoft Business Solutions Axapta, then to Microsoft Dynamics AX for versions 3.0 SP6, 4.0 and 2009.

Axapta 3.0 – October 2002

The sixth major Axapta release brought with it the Microsoft Axapta Enterprise Portal, new intercompany collaboration functionality, actualized and rebuilt user security and system configuration, expanded geographical reach (more countries), demand planning and enhanced partner productivity tools.

Dynamics AX 4.0 – March 2006

The seventh major Axapta release brought with it an updated look and feel. As the first version that Microsoft was involved in from the beginning it attempted to integrate better with existing Microsoft technologies. For example, the AOS became a true Windows service, a .Net business connector was provided, CLR Interoperability was introduced and XML data exchanges were supported through a set of code classes (Application Integration Framework), full Unicode support was introduced[6] and a new Service Management module.

Dynamics AX 2009 – June 2008

Originally named AX 4.1, later renamed to AX 5.0 (and finally AX 2009), the eighth major release of Axapta brings with it yet more improvements to the UI. This new version adds role-based concepts to both the Enterprise Portal and windows clients, support for timezones (utc), a new Site inventory dimension, and Enterprise Portal development through Visual Studio projects.[7]

Dynamics AX “6” – Summer 2011

Said to include additional improvements to the UI and application enhancements focused on specific industries like Retail and Public sector.

Features (modules)

Microsoft Dynamics AX contains 19 core modules[8] :

Traditional core (since Axapta 2.5)

  • General Ledger, composed of ledger, sales tax, currency and fixed assets features
  • Bank Management, where cash is received and paid out
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM), where Business Relations(customers, vendors, and leads) are contacted and maintained
  • Accounts Receivable, where orders are entered, shipped and invoiced
  • Accounts Payable, where purchase orders are issued and goods received into inventory
  • Inventory Management, where Inventory is valued and managed
  • Master Planning, where purchase and production planning takes place
  • Production, where bill of materials is defined and manufacturing is tracked
  • Product Builder, where product models are created and maintained
  • Human Resources, where employee information is kept
  • Project Accounting, where projects are created and tracked primarily from an accounting perspective
  • Basic, where data configuration is performed
  • Administration Module, where system configuration is performed

Extended core

The following modules are part of the core of AX 2009 (AX 5.0) and available on a per-license basis in AX 4.0 :

  • Shop Floor Control
  • Cost Accounting
  • Questionnaire
  • Balanced Scorecards
  • Service Management
  • Expense Management
  • Payroll Management[9]

External components

Several external components are also available:

  • Enterprise Portal for Dynamics AX (built on Sharepoint Services)
  • Microsoft SQL Reporting Services integration
  • Application Integration Framework (Webservices + Biztalk adapter)
  • A .Net Business Connector for third party software (A COM adapter is also available)


The Microsoft Dynamics AX software is composed of four (4) major components:

  • The Database Server, a database that stores the Microsoft Dynamics AX data
  • The File Server, a folder containing the Microsoft Dynamics AX application files
  • The Application Object Server(s) (AOS), a service that controls all aspects of Microsoft Dynamics AX’s operation
  • The Client(s), the actual user interface into Microsoft Dynamics AX

See also the book Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0[10]

MorphX and X++

MorphX is an integrated development environment in Microsoft Dynamics AX that allows developers to graphically design datatypes, base enumerations, tables, queries, forms, menus and reports. MorphX supports drag and drop and is very intuitive. It also allows access to any application classes that are available in the application, by launching the X++ code editor.

Because MorphX uses referencing to link objects together, changes in, for example, datatypes of fieldnames will automatically be reflected in all places where they are used (such as forms or reports). Furthermore, changes made through MorphX will be reflected in the application immediately after compilation.

Microsoft Dynamics AX also offers support for version control systems (VCS) integrated with the IDE, allowing collaboration in development. There is also a tool for reverse-engineering table structures and class structures to Visio. The actual implementation limits the practical use of both these features.

X++ itself is the programming language behind MorphX, and belongs to the curly brackets and .-operator class of programming languages (like C# or Java).

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