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Add links to your organization’s legal terms and privacy statement

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Organizations often need to ensure that the links to their legal terms and privacy statement are readily available and visible to users in order to meet legal and compliance requirements. Administrators of an organization can follow these steps to have the links to their legal terms and privacy statement be available in the About pane (Settings > About).

Add links

Go to the System parameters page and click Legal and Privacy. On this page you can:

  • Enter the link to a page that outlines the legal terms for your organization.
  • Enter the link to a page that outlines the privacy statement for your organization.

Note: Make sure that you enter the full URL, starting with either https or http.

Click Save.

Validate links

To validate that the links have been added, on the toolbar at the top of the page, click the Settings icon, and then click About.

In the Links section of the pane, you should see two new links:

  • Your organization’s Legal terms
  • Your organization’s Privacy and Cookies

Click on these links to validate that they open the appropriate pages.

Note: The links open in a new window, so if you have a pop-up blocker enabled, you will have to add an exception to your pop-up blocker settings to allow Dynamics 365 for Operations to launch a new window.

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