最新消息:ww12345678 的部落格重装上线,希望大家继续支持。

Cannot find a valid offline scope with the name ‘YourTable’ in table ‘[scope_info]’.

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Credit to Brian Storie for the contribution provided.


Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.DbSyncException: Cannot find a valid scope with the name ‘YourTable’ in table ‘[scope_info]’. Ensure that this scope exists and that it has a corresponding valid configuration in the configuration table ‘[scope_config]’.


You have created a new Offline scope, added it to the POS Offline profiles form and run the 1095 job without deprovisioning it properly in your Channel database. The Channel database turned out to be in an invalid state.


  1. Backup Channel database.
  2. Open command prompt with elevated privilege and run the following command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Retail Database Utility>RetailDbUtilityCmd.exe DeprovisionChannelDB                  /StoreServername:<YourStoreServerName> /StoreDatabaseName:<YourStoreDatabaseName>
  3. Check if all the _tracking tables are successfully deleted in your Channel database.
  4. Open and run “Retail Channel Configuration Utility” as administrator.
  5. Select “Create offline database”.  Specify your Channel database and offline database information, click “Apply” to recreate the offline database again.
  6. Channel database and offline database should be provisioned successfully.





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