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Resetting the financial reporting data mart after restoring a database

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There are several scenarios where you may need to restore your Dynamics 365 for Operations database from a backup or copy the database from another environment. When this occurs, you also need to follow the appropriate steps to ensure that the financial reporting data mart is correctly using the restored Dynamics 365 for Operations database. If you have questions about resetting the financial reporting data mart for a reason outside of restoring a Dynamics 365 for Operations database, refer to the Resetting the Management Reporter data mart for more information.

Note that the steps in this process are supported for Dynamics 365 for Operation May 2016 release (App build 7.0.1265.23014 and financial reporting build 7.0.10000.4) and newer releases. If you have an earlier release of Dynamics 365 for Operations, please contact our Support team for assistance.

Export report definitions

First, export the report designs located in the Report Designer, using the following steps:

  1. In the Report Designer, go to Company > Building Block Groups.
  2. Select the building block group to export, and click Export.
    Note: For Dynamics 365 for Operations, only one building block group is supported, Default.
  3. Select the report definitions to export:
    • To export all your report definitions and the associated building blocks, click Select All.
    • To export specific reports, rows, columns, trees, or dimension sets, click the appropriate tab, and then select the items to export. Press and hold the Ctrl key to select multiple items in a tab. When you select reports to export, the associated rows, columns, trees, and dimension sets are selected.
  4. Click Export.
  5. Enter a file name and select a secure location where you want to save the exported report definitions.
  6. Click Save.

The file can be copied or uploaded to a secure location, allowing it to be imported into a different environment at another time. Information about using a Microsoft Azure storage account can be found in Transfer data with the AzCopy Command-Line Utility.

Note: Microsoft doesn’t provide a storage account as part of your Dynamics 365 for Operations agreement. You must either purchase a storage account or use a storage account from a separate Azure subscription.

Important: Be aware of the behavior of the D drive on Azure Virtual Machines. Do not keep your exported building block groups here permanently. For more information about temporary drives, see Understanding the temporary drive on Windows Azure Virtual Machines.

Stop services

Use Remote Desktop to connect to all the computers in the environment and stop the following Windows services by using services.msc:

  • World wide web publishing service (on all AOS computers)
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX Batch Management Service (on non-private AOS computers only)
  • Management Reporter 2012 Process Service (on BI computers only)

These services will have open connections to the Dynamics 365 for Operations database.


Locate the latest DataUpgrade.zip package

Locate the latest DataUpgrade.zip package using the directions found in Download the DataUpgrade.zip script. The directions explain how to locate the correct version of the data upgrade package for your environment.

Execute scripts against Dynamics 365 for Operations database

Run the following scripts against the Dynamics 365 for Operations database (not against the financial reporting database).

  • DataUpgrade.zip\AosService\Scripts\ConfigureAxReportingIntegration.sql
  • DataUpgrade.zip\AosService\Scripts\GrantAzViewChangeTracking.sql

These scripts ensure that the users, roles, and change tracking settings are correct.

Execute PowerShell command to reset database

Execute the following command, directly on the AOS computer, to reset the integration between Dynamics 365 for Operations and financial reporting:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
  2. Execute: F:
  3. Execute: cd F:\MRApplicationService\MRInstallDirectory
  4. Execute: Import-Module .\Server\MRDeploy\MRDeploy.psd1
  5. Execute: Reset-DatamartIntegration -Reason OTHER -ReasonDetail “<my reason for resetting>”
    • You will be asked to enter “Y” to confirm.

Explanation of parameters:

  • The valid values for -Reason are: SERVICING, BADDATA, OTHER.
  • The -ReasonDetail parameter is free text.
  • The reason and reasonDetail will be recorded in telemetry/environment monitoring.

Start services

Use services.msc to restart the services that you stopped earlier:

  • World wide web publishing service (on all AOS computers)
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX Batch Management Service (on non-private AOS computers only)
  • Management Reporter 2012 Process Service (on BI computers only)

Import report definitions

Import your report designs from the Report Designer, using the file created during the export:

  1. In the Report Designer, go to Company > Building Block Groups.
  2. Select the building block group to export, and click Export.
    Note: For Dynamics 365 for Operations, only one building block group is supported, Default.
  3. Select the Default building block and click Import.
  4. Select the file containing the exported report definitions and click Open.
  5. In the Import dialog box, select the report definitions to import:
    • To import all the report definitions and the supporting building blocks, click Select All.
    • To import specific reports, rows, columns, trees, or dimension sets, select the reports, rows, columns, trees, or dimension sets to import.
  6. Click Import.

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