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Import the Chinese Golden Tax data entity

网络文摘 William 3107浏览 0评论

To import the Chinese Golden Tax data entity, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to System administration > Data management.
  2. Click the Import tile to create a new import project.
  3. Enter a name for the project.
  4. Select the source data format XML-Element.
  5. In the Entity name field, select Tax integration import entity.
  6. Click upload and then browse to the location of your golden tax data file.
  7. Click View map on the Tax integration import tile.
  8. On the Transformations tab, click New.
  9. Click Upload file and browse to the location of the .xlst file.

For specific steps that show how to import a data entity, refer to Importing data by using entities.

To practice the Chinese Golden Tax data entity import using the demo data company CNMF, download the following files from CustomerSource.

  • ImportSampleFile.xml – This file is the Chinese Golden Tax data entity composite.
  • Tax-Import-to-XML.xslt – This file is used as the transformational file mapping.

The following screenshot shows an example mapping visualization for the Chinese Golden Tax data entity.

This image shows a sample mapping visualization for the Chinese Golden Tax data entity.




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