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Project Item requirement sale order line status on consumption

网络文摘 William 1655浏览 0评论

This post will give clarity as to why the sale order line status is Invoiced at the stage of packing slip posting itself from Item requirement


PRE-SETUP Information



  1. Create new Project Contract

    USMF/Project management and accounting/Common/Projects/Project contracts

Enter details as below:

Project contract ID: 000187(comes automatically based on number sequence setup)

Name: Demo

Funding Type: Customer   ?

Funding Source: US-025

Sales Currency: USD

Click OK














Save & close project contact form


  1. Create new Project

    USMF/Project management and accounting/Common/Projects/All Projects

Enter details as below:

Project type: Time and Material

Project contract ID: 000282(comes automatically)

Name: Demo

Project group: TM

Customer: US-025

Sales Currency: USD

Click OK




Using Item requirement form


Step1: Enter Item requirement

USMF/Project management and accounting/Common/Projects/All projects

Select project 000282


Open Item requirement from Plan tab


Click New

Enter Item number : M0001


Warehouse :11


Line property: Billable

Click Project tab

Enter Unit price(sales) as 10 USD

Now click Inquiries>sales orders



This will open the sales order created

Step2: Make a picking list and packing slip from Item requirements form for part quantity

Click Posting>picking list

Click on Lines


Change 10 to 7(to simulate partial consumption)

Click Ok

Click posting>Picking list registration

Updates>update All

Click close

Click Posting >packing slip

Update Quantity as Picked

Click Ok


Step3: Check project posted transactions

USMF/Project management and accounting/Common/Projects/All projects

Select project 000282


Action Pane>manage tab

Click Related information>Posted transactions



We see that the project posted transactions are getting populate on Packing slip posting itself if we use Item requirements which is correct


Note: When new item requirements are entered, they are added as addition lines in the same sales order.

Step 4: Check Sale order Line status

USMF/Project management and accounting/Common/Projects/All projects

Select project 000282

Plan tab >Item requirements


Select Show All and Inquiries >Sales order


Step 5: Check Line status of the Sales order


*** Actual Result ***

We see that the line status of the Sales is “open order” which is correct as we had made a partial consumption only

*** Expected Result ***

Same as actual


Step 6: Make a picking list and packing slip from Item requirements form for remaining quantity

Click Posting>picking list

Click on Lines


This will update the remaining 3 quantity

Click Ok

Click posting>Picking list registration

Updates>update All

Click close

Click Posting >packing slip

Update Quantity as Picked

Click Ok


Step7 : Check project posted transactions

USMF/Project management and accounting/Common/Projects/All projects

Select project 000282


Action Pane>manage tab

Click Related information>Posted transactions



We see that the project posted transactions are getting populate on Packing slip posting itself if we use Item requirements which is correct


Step 8: Check Sale order Line status

USMF/Project management and accounting/Common/Projects/All projects

Select project 000282

Plan tab >Item requirements


Select Show All and Inquiries >Sales order


Step 9: Check Line status of the Sales order


*** Actual Result ***

We see that the line status of the Sales is “Invoiced ” which is correct as we had made a complete consumption (full 10 quantity)


That’s because for Item requirements, Item transactions are consumed when the packing slip is updated.


Reference 1:https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh500664.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396


Although a sales order is processed when the corresponding customer invoice is updated, item requirements are processed when the corresponding packing slip is updated.

Reference 2: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa571173.aspx

NOTE: Sales order line status is Invoiced as it was invoiced as part of the Item requirement (which is Invoiced after posting the Packing slip)









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