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Financial dimensions that contain the same character as used in the chart of accounts delimiter

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In Dynamics 365 Operations (AX7) if a financial dimension contains the same character as the chart of accounts delimiter you may experience some instability.

The Chart of Accounts delimiter is set on the general ledger parameters and once this is setup the field is greyed out. (Previously this field was located in the system parameters)

An area we have seen customers encounter issues in is within a General Journal. For example, in a general journal when entering dimensions in the account field, you may select a Main Account followed by a Subproject. If the chart of accounts delimiter and the subproject both contain dashes you may experience an error in the journal when selecting this subproject dimension value of “Dimension value xxx does not exist”. Screenshots of this example are below for your reference.

Please see this link: https://ax.help.dynamics.com/en/wiki/planning-chart-of-accounts/ where it refers to this potential issue:
Create the chart of accounts on the Chart of accounts page. Main accounts can be created from the Chart of accounts page or the Main accounts page. Your main accounts shouldn’t use any special characters that are used as chart of accounts delimiters. If you do have a special character that is the same as your chart of accounts delimiter, you may experience instability, or the need to always use lookups or the flyout when entering account and dimension combinations.

We are currently working on a solution to this however in the interim we recommend not using the same special character in the chart of accounts delimiter and in financial dimensions.

If you do find yourself in this situation with data already in the system, you could work with your developer to change the chart of account delimiter to avoid this issue.

For your reference please see screenshots of an example of this scenario:

A subproject 000185-01 contains a dash as the subproject ID format “-##”

This subproject is listed as a valid financial dimension value

Projects is part of the active account structure

When entering a General Journal using this subproject as the financial dimension an error of “Dimension value XXX does not exist” is encountered.

A further error is seen when posting the journal of: Some of the information that you have entered is not valid. You must enter valid information before you can continue.




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