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Upgrade Dynamics 365 for Operations to the latest platform update

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The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations platform consists of the following components:

  • Dynamics 365 for Operations platform binaries such as Application Object Server (AOS), the data management framework, the reporting and business intelligence (BI) framework, development tools, and analytics services
  • The following Application Object Tree (AOT) packages:
    • Application Platform
    • Application Foundation
    • Test Essentials

Important: To move to the latest Dynamics 365 for Operations platform, your Dynamics 365 for Operations implementation cannot have any customizations (overlayering) of any of the AOT packages that belong to the platform. This restriction was introduced in platform update 3, so that updates can be made to the platform without requiring redevelopment of customizations in the future. For more information see the Upgrading to platform update 3 from an earlier build section at the end of this topic.

Overall flow

The following illustration shows the overall process for upgrading the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform to the latest update.

Upgrade process for implementations that have no customization of the platform

Create a copy of a platform update package

Platform update packages are released by Microsoft and can be downloaded from the Shared asset library in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS), on the Software deployable package tab. Dynamics 365 packages are currently prefixed with Dynamics 365 for Operations Platform Update (for example, Dynamics 365 for Operations Platform Update 3).

You must create a copy of the platform package. This step is required because update packages must be applied from local asset libraries.

  1. Go to your LCS project’s Asset library.
  2. On the Software deployable package tab, click Import to create a reference to the platform update package.
    Import button
  3. Select the correct platform package.
  4. Click Copy to create a local copy of the package that you can apply to the environments in your projects.
    Copy button

Choose the correct package deployment strategy

From a process perspective, a platform upgrade package resembles a binary hotfix deployable package.

Apply the platform update package on your development environment

Delete any platform metadata hotfixes from your VSTS project

Before you install the new platform update, you must clean up your Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) source control project. Remove any X++ or metadata hotfixes that you’ve installed on your existing platform. If you have any X++ or metadata hotfixes that are checked in to your VSTS project for any of the following Microsoft models, delete them from your project by using the Microsoft Visual Studio Source Control Explorer.

  • Application Platform
  • Application Foundation
  • TestEssentials

You can find these hotfixes by browsing the check-in history of these Microsoft models. For example, use Source Control Explorer to browse the check-in history of the Trunk\Main\Metadata\ApplicationFoundation\ApplicationFoundation folder, and delete all XML files that have been checked in to it.

View History

Install the deployable package

  1. Download the platform update package (AXPlatformUpdate.zip) to your virtual machine (VM).
  2. Unzip the contents to a local directory.
  3. Depending on the type of environment that you’re upgrading, open the PlatformUpdatePackages.Config file under \AOSService\Scripts, and change the MetaPackage value:
    • If you’re upgrading a development or demo environment that contains source code, change the MetaPackage value to dynamicsax-meta-platform-development.
    • If you’re upgrading a runtime environment, such as a tier-2 sandbox environment or another environment that doesn’t contain source code, the default value, dynamicsax-meta-platform-runtime, is correct.
  4. Follow the standard instructions for installing a deployable package. See Install a deployable package.
  5. If you’re working in a development environment, rebuild your application’s code.

Important: Apply this update in a runtime environment only if you first validate it in a development environment.

Example for a one-box (development or demo) environment

AXUpdateInstaller.exe generate -runbookid="OneBoxDev" -topologyfile="DefaultTopologyData.xml" -servicemodelfile="DefaultServiceModelData.xml" -runbookfile="OneBoxDev-runbook.xml"
AXUpdateInstaller.exe import -runbookfile=OneBoxDev-runbook.xml
AXUpdateInstaller.exe execute -runbookid=OneBoxDev

Install the Visual Studio development tools

Update the Visual Studio development tools as described in Updating the Visual Studio development tools.

Regenerate form adaptor models

Form adaptor models are required for test automation. Regenerate the platform form adaptor models, based on the newly updated platform models. Use the xppfagen.exe tool to generate the form adaptor models. This tool is located in the package’s bin folder (typically, j:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\bin).

Here is a list of the platform form adaptor models:

  • ApplicationPlatformFormAdaptor
  • ApplicationFoundationFormAdaptor
  • DirectoryFormAdaptor

The following examples show how to generate the form adaptor models.

xppfagen.exe -metadata=j:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory -model="ApplicationPlatformFormAdaptor" -xmllog="c:\temp\log1.xml"
xppfagen.exe -metadata=j:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory -model="ApplicationFoundationFormAdaptor" -xmllog="c:\temp\log2.xml"
xppfagen.exe -metadata=j:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory -model="DirectoryFormAdaptor" -xmllog="c:\temp\log3.xml"

Install the new Data Management service

After the deployable package is installed, follow these instructions to install the new Data Management service.

Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator, and run the following commands from the .\DIXFService\Scripts folder.

msiExec.exe /uninstall {5C74B12A-8583-4B4F-B5F5-8E526507A3E0} /passive /qn /quiet

If you’re connected to Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services 2016 (13.0), run the following command.

msiexec /i "DIXF_Service_x64.msi" ISSQLSERVERVERSION="Bin\2012" SERVICEACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService" /qb /lv DIXF_log.txt

If you’re connected to an earlier release of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services, run the following command.

msiexec /i "DIXF_Service_x64.msi" ISSQLSERVERVERSION="Bin" SERVICEACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService" /qb /lv DIXF_log.txt

Apply the platform update package on a build environment

If the build machine has been used for one or more builds, you should restore the metadata packages folder from the metadata backup folder before you upgrade the VM to a newer Dynamics 365 for Operations platform. You should then delete the metadata backup. These steps help guarantee that the platform update will be applied on a clean environment. The next build process will then detect that no metadata backup exists and will automatically create a new one. This new metadata backup will include the updated platform.

To find out whether a complete metadata backup exists, look for a BackupComplete.txt file in I:\DynamicsBackup\Packages (or C:\DynamicsBackup\Packages on a downloadable virtual hard disk [VHD]). If this file is present, a metadata backup exists, and the file will contain a timestamp that indicates when it was created.

To restore the deployment’s metadata packages folder from the metadata backup, open an elevated Windows PowerShell Command Prompt window, and run the following command. This command will run the same script that is used in the first step of the build process.

if (Test-Path -Path "I:\DynamicsBackup\Packages\BackupComplete.txt") { C:\DynamicsSDK\PrepareForBuild.ps1 }

Note: Run the preceding command only if a complete metadata backup exists. If a complete metadata backup doesn’t exist, the command will create a new backup. This command will stop the Dynamics AX deployment services and Internet Information Services (IIS) before it restores the files from the metadata backup to the deployment’s metadata packages folder.

You should see output that resembles the following example.

6:17:52 PM: Preparing build environment…
6:17:53 PM: Updating Dynamics SDK registry key with specified values…
6:17:53 PM: Updating Dynamics SDK registry key with values from AOS web config…
6:17:53 PM: Stopping Dynamics AX deployment…
6:18:06 PM: A backup already exists at: I:\DynamicsBackup\Packages. No new backup will be created.
6:18:06 PM: Restoring metadata packages from backup…
6:22:56 PM: Metadata packages successfully restored from backup.
6:22:57 PM: Preparing build environment complete.
6:22:57 PM: Script completed with exit code: 0

After the metadata backup has been restored, delete (or rename) the metadata backup folder (DynamicsBackup\Packages), so that it will no longer be found by the build process.

Apply the platform update package

After you’ve prepared your build environment for this update, apply the platform update package by using the same method that you use to apply it on a development environment. See the “Apply the platform update package on your development environment” section earlier in this topic.

Upgrading to platform update 3 from an earlier build

Platform update 3 includes two key changes:

  • You can no longer overlayer platform models.
  • The Directory model is no longer in the platform. It has moved to the application.

Because of these changes, there are two important considerations when you upgrade to platform update 3 from an earlier build:

  • If you take only platform update 3 and don’t take the application update (Dynamics 365 for Operations version 1611), you can’t have overlayering on any of the following models. You must remove all overlayering on these models before you try to install update 3:
    • Application Platform
    • Application Foundation
    • Test Essentials
    • Directory
  • If you take both platform update 3 and the application update (Dynamics 365 for Operations version 1611), you can’t have overlayering on any of the following models. You must remove all overlayering on these models before you try to install update 3:
    • Application Platform
    • Application Foundation
    • Test Essentials

Therefore, you can still have overlayering on the Directory model if you take both platform update 3 and application version 1611, because the Directory model moves out of the platform and into the application in version 1611. However, you can’t have overlayering on the Directory folder if you take only platform update 3.

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