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Data entities report

网络文摘 William 1524浏览 0评论

A data entity is an abstraction from the physical implementation of database tables. For example, in normalized tables, a lot of the data for each customer might be stored in a customer table, and then the rest might be spread across a small set of related tables. In this case, the data entity for the customer concept appears as one de-normalized view, in which each row contains all the data from the customer table and its related tables.

A data entity encapsulates a business concept into a format that makes development and integration easier. The abstracted nature of a data entity can simplify application development and customization. Later, the abstraction also insulates application code from the inevitable churn of the physical tables from version to version of Microsoft Dynamics AX.

For more information about data entities, see Data entities home page.

View the report

The Data entities report lists each data entity that is available. The report indicates the data source of the entity and the fields included in the entity. The report also indicates whether the data entity is public.

How the report is grouped

The report is a Microsoft Excel file. For large reports, the rows are grouped alphabetically on tab 1. All rows are displayed when you click tab 2.


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