自定义仓库移动应用程序:多扫描页面 / Customizing the warehouse mobile app: multi-scan pages
William 6年前 (2018-12-20) 1396浏览 0评论
Introduction This is another blog post in the series about warehouse mobile devices in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operation...
William 6年前 (2018-12-20) 1396浏览 0评论
Introduction This is another blog post in the series about warehouse mobile devices in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operation...
Lennart Conrad 7年前 (2018-05-03) 1450浏览 0评论
Introduction This blog describes the new capabilities that allow you to migrate existing items with open inventory transactio...
William 7年前 (2018-01-24) 2223浏览 0评论
Allowing physical negative inventory may have undesirable consequences in inventory accounting, especially if the inventory c...
William 7年前 (2018-01-24) 2677浏览 0评论
Key concepts Inventory dimension An inventory dimension can have a Physical value and a Financial value. The setting o...
William 8年前 (2017-10-06) 1727浏览 0评论
Cumulative update 13 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 is now available for download on Lifecycle Services, PartnerSource and...
William 8年前 (2017-07-07) 2301浏览 0评论
Introduction We last looked at the Warehouse Mobile Devices Portal (WMDP) in detail in a series of blog posts here, here, and...
William 8年前 (2017-02-07) 1962浏览 0评论
Concepts Financial dimensions are available on each requisition line in the lines details. The purpose is to let you update t...
William 8年前 (2017-01-20) 2144浏览 0评论
We’re very happy to announce that Dynamics 365 for Operations – Warehousing has been made available on Windows St...
William 8年前 (2016-12-01) 2291浏览 0评论
Dynamics 365 for Operations 1611 – Improved packing functionality Based on the input that we have received from ...
Per Lykke Lynnerup 8年前 (2016-11-28) 2301浏览 0评论
This blog provides an overview of the new inbound consignment inventory capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Opera...
William 8年前 (2016-11-23) 1866浏览 0评论
Cumulative update 12 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 is now available for download on Lifecycle Services, PartnerSource and...
Mirza Abdic' 8年前 (2016-11-21) 2003浏览 0评论
Scenarios There are several usage scenarios in the inbound pick-and-drop process. Imagine that the aisles in the warehouse th...
William 8年前 (2016-11-07) 2826浏览 0评论
Introduction In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 you could short pick an item while executing the initial picking of an outbound...
Lennart Conrad 8年前 (2016-11-04) 1915浏览 0评论
Introduction Previously it was not possible to start processing work header that were awaiting demand replenishment since the...
Lennart Conrad 9年前 (2016-10-17) 4071浏览 0评论
In this blog post we are going to go into details about how you can gain more control of your reservations by introducing a n...
Lennart Conrad 9年前 (2016-07-06) 1998浏览 0评论
This blog post applies to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 CU11 and KB 3153040. Wave processing is used to generate work for the...
William 9年前 (2016-06-30) 2361浏览 0评论
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 11 is now available for download on Lifecycle Services, CustomerSource and Pa...
Per Lykke Lynnerup 9年前 (2016-06-20) 2547浏览 0评论
When using Warehouse management II, you can use different types of pallets to control storage policies. Similarly, when using...
William 9年前 (2016-05-25) 3045浏览 0评论
Vendor catalogs import In Microsoft Dynamics AX, purchasing professionals can create and maintain catalogs for company employ...
Lennart Conrad 10年前 (2015-07-01) 2599浏览 0评论
By Lennart Conrad, Microsoft This blog posting describes how you can make small code modifications to control how reser...